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The Pantheon

Inspired by Greek mythology circa 5th century BC, OTP takes place in a region of space called the Hellecian Sector.

Once ruled by the Greek Pantheon, their rule has been overthrown by a league of 4 sibling tribes; known as the Patrokonoi-Hellecia.


An industrious but volatile group of disunited craftspeople, organized into trade guilds. These factionalized unions hold monopolies in nearly every major market of their Lanaxidrian allies through godlike quality and “less scrupulousmeans. Moving with impunity and starting turf wars with rival guilds & uncooperative competitors for control of their local industries.


A shunned congregation of colonists & navigators, cursed by the Pantheon to never call any planet home. Their massive flotilla of ships wander the empty void, colonizing dead planets for their Delot overlords & seeking atonement for their curse with monastic devotion.


A warrior-culture of cracked Greco-Roman statue humanoids. These juggernauts use their rock-like physiology to become legendary shock troops with their impenetrable armor, self-healing marble skin, massive rifles & martial discipline. Supplemented by the fleet of their Aeonite trade guilds, the Lanaxdrians prepare for the day they will settle the score with their eternal rivals: the Delots.


A massive collective of technocratic drones who gave up their biological bodies for eternal digitized souls, backed up on a galaxy-spanning network of hub worlds & expendable robots. Leading the overthrow of the Pantheon, as the eldest tribe of the Patrokonoi-Hellecia, their superior technology and armada of warships dominates trade and travel throughout the sector over their eternal rivals: The Lanaxdrians.


Shattering the Pantheon’s colossal home planet into a sector of divided star clusters , the tribes use their technology and weaponized gods’ blood (Ichor) to usurp hegemony over the spark of Creation (Cosmic Aurora) to fight for dominion over their brothers & sisters.

The sector’s only hope for peace, unity & survival are….


To the generations of brave men & women aboard the legendary Tri-Deck: Psygorellius.

Those who answered the call of Fate and gave their lives in service to their families, star clusters & Creation when hope was extinguished.

The Series

Sent on a mission to study a cosmic anomaly in Earth’s atmosphere, NASA commander Ollie Dylos crash lands on an alien planet inside the Hellecian Sector.

Stranded & alone, Ollie must use his brains to rescue his fellow crew members from a band of fanatic rebels with a little help of some unusual accomplices.

However, Ollie soon finds himself pulled into the center of events beyond his explanation. This man of science must confront the supernatural forces of Fate, sending him on a new mission.

One which will reset the course of his life, the sector & all Creation forever aboard The Psygorellius.

Join the
Crew, Guide
our Fate

Join our private Facebook group: Ekklesia-Psygonautica to gain exclusive access to polls, giveaways & key decisions that will determine the course of our Kickstarter campaign.


A stranded astronaut who uses his brain to recover his missing crew and find a way back to Earth .


Advised in polarizing directions by Ollie & Eucidrie, the Commander-Ultimos leads the Psygonauts on missions to alien planets as leader/mythical figure-head of the Psygorellius to complete their quest for unity & peace.


An exiled alien sorceress who uses her magic to find her kidnapped sister Galia.



We are about to embark on this journey with our trio and their Psygonauts into the stars.

And we need your help aboard our crew of dedicated backers & hardcore fans on Kickstarter.

By signing up to our newsletter, you’ll receive project updates, merch giveaways, & a voice in setting the course of this series forever.


Cover campaign production costs for…
4-5 issue comic series
(roughly 21 pages each)

Launch Date

Kickstarter campaign begins in…


As a valued crew member, your contribution to our voyage, you’ll receive a commission in merchandise.
The more you contribute, the more rewards you’ll get.
Check out the various reward tiers below to see what you’ll get if we fund/exceed our campaign goal.

As a valued crew member, your contribution to our voyage, you’ll receive a commission in merchandise.

The more you contribute, the more rewards you’ll get.

Check out the various reward tiers below to see what you’ll get if we fund/exceed our campaign goal.


Corps =

Corps =

Corps +
beyond =


Copy of Volume #1
(85-120 pages)

Laptop Sticker
(1 of 4)

(1) 24” x 36”
Recruitment Poster
(1 of 4)

Backer Name included in “Catalog of Warriors” (Back Page)

Copy of Volume #1
(85-120 pages)

Laptop Stickers
(2 of 4)

(1) - 24” x 36” Recruitment
Poster (1 of 4) +
(1) 24” x 36” Hellecian Sector
Chart (1 of 3)


(1) 3” 3D figurine of

Backer Name included in
Catalog of Heroes
(Middle Page)

Copy of Volume #1
(85-120 pages)

Laptop Stickers
(4 of 4)

(4) - 24” x 36” Recruitment
Poster (4 of 4) +
(3) 24” x 36” Hellecian Sector
Chart (3 of 3)

(choose color)

3D figurines of
Psygonaut (3-1/2”) &
Psygorellius (3”)

Backer Name used in future issues
- included in “Catalog of Founders
(Front Page - forever).


By signing up today, you’ll receive the following exclusive perks:

-A free digital download of OTP: Issue #1 (22 pages)
- Premium access to the Ekklesia-Psygonautica (FB group)
- OTP Campaign Newsletter w/ bi-weekly Production Updates
- Chance at merch giveaways (t-shirts, stickers & signed posters)

By signing up today, you’ll receive the following exclusive perks:

-A free digital download of OTP: Issue #1
(22 pages)
- Premium access to the Ekklesia-Psygonautica
(FB group)
- OTP Campaign Newsletter w/ bi-weekly Production Updates
- Chance at merch giveaways
(t-shirts, stickers & signed posters)




Minneapolis-based company of independent comic book creators with a simple goal: tell compelling stories in immersive universes, made with a “Fandom-First” philosophy.

We believe the fans are the lever upon which our success rests. And it’s only through a relationship built on respect, trust & mutual investment that we can make a positive impact on modern culture together.

“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum upon which to place it, And I shall move the world.”
- Archimedes